For attestation of documents like educational certificates, salary/employment certificate, birth, marriage or death certificates issued by authorities in New Zealand, these will first have to be authenticated/Apostille by Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), Government of New Zealand. For information please visit the link:
Birth, Death, Marriage and Educational Certificates etc. issued by the Indian authorities in India can also be attested by the Indian High Commission provided the same have been authenticated by the Consular Section of Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Patiala House, New Delhi-110001 or Branch Secretariat of Ministry of External Affairs, Kolkata. For information please visit the link:
Please provide the following documents:
- Completed and signed application form for Misc. Consular Services.
- Power of Attorney/Affidavit/documents authenticated by Department of Internal Affairs ( DIA ).(if not submitted in person by the applicant)
- Photocopy of the documents after authentication from DIA.
- Fees of NZ $ _____________ (Please see the fee schedule) "Click here" (Currently we are accepting fee either in cash or through bank transfer in the bank account of Consulate General of India, Auckland. The bank account details are - A/cNo.0212730048610002/021273004861002, A/c Name – Consulate General of India, Bank – Bank of Baroda (New Zealand) Ltd, Auckland)
- Coloured copy of first & last pages of current Passport attested by Justice of Peace.
- Copy of current and valid NZ visa
- One passport size photograph pasted on the application. Do not staple/pin the photograph.
- Self-addressed prepaid courier envelope to return your documents. (Please keep the record of tracking number.)