Emergency Certificate

Emergency certificate is a one-way travel-one-time document, which is issued to Indian nationals who do not hold valid Indian passports and need to travel back to India. It is usually issued to persons detained by New Zealand authorities who are to be deported back to India and to Indian nationals who wish to travel to India on an emergency basis. The following documents will be required for this purpose:

  • All applicants must complete online Passport Application Form At: https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/ by creating a USER ID.  Best viewed in Internet Explorer 9.0 and above. Passport Online Application should be accurately filled.
  • Login using the newly created USER ID and fill in the user-friendly application form online at the same portal. 
  • After submitting the form online, take a printout of the application.
  • Affix photo and put signatures at the designated place.
  • Five recent passport-size photographs
  • A copy of previous Indian passport, one passport size photo and one stamp size photo (in addition to mentioned documents for EC)
  • Police report in original if the Passport is lost (the Police report MUST include Passport number) 

  • Proof of Indian nationality if passport is not available
  • One way travel Itinerary
  • Fee : NZ $ 29/- "Click here" (Currently we are accepting fee either in cash or through bank transfer in the bank account of Consulate General of India, Auckland. The bank account details are - A/cNo.0212730048610002/021273004861002, A/c Name – Consulate General of India, Bank – Bank of Baroda (New Zealand) Ltd, Auckland)
Note : Please do not make firm travel bookings before receiving the Emergency Certificate.

Processing Time: No maximum time can be prescribed – it depends on time taken to verify Indian nationality

* Interview with the officer is required for applying for Emergency Certifiacte.

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