REISSUE OCI Card For Conversion of PIO to OCI



  1. a) The following instructions should be read carefully and followed while applying for reissue of OCI card. Incomplete application with any column left blank or without one or more required documents is liable to be returned to the applicant, resulting in avoidable delays.  
  2. b) Online link for OCI Services:
  3. c) For status enquiry please use your Registration number NZLW_ _ _ _ _ _24 & passport number at:

    When to apply for re-issue of OCI card:       
  • These Misc services can be availed for re-issuance of OCI Card as well as updating the information time to time as mentioned in the MHA notification dated 16th April 2021. 
  • To avail Miscellaneous Service, you must be an existing OCI Card Holder

         Click here for complete guidelines.

II.A.  WHEN TO APPLY FOR RE-ISSUE OF OCI CARD (Services under this category is chargeable):

  1. When a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age to capture his/her facial features on attaining adulthood.  
  2. If the OCI card is lost or damaged.
  3. If there is change in name for whatever reasons, including change in name after marriage.
  4. If there are any errors in the existing OCI card. The OCI cardholder needs to provide suitable proof for carrying out necessary correction.
  1. Register online at the link 
  2. A file number will be generated ending with NZLW........M24. 
  3. Completed application along with JP Attested documents, existing OCI card and prescribed fees may be sent to:

OCI Section
Consulate General of India
Level-13, SAP Tower, 151 Queen Street, Auckland - 1010

- Applicants can also submit their applications in person between 9.30 AM and 12.00 PM on working days at the reception counter of the Consulate General of India, Auckland.

  1. Specification guidelines for uploading of documents: The maximum size allowed for a document file is 500 kb. The document file must be in PDF format. (For sake of comparison, an A-4 size page document color scanned at 100 dots per inch resolution will generate a file of about 200-250 kb). Each category of document must be uploaded in a single file.
  2. Physical documents required to be sent to the Consulate General of India after uploading them:
    • One copy of the duly signed application form for each applicant.
    • Physical OCI Card needs to be sent along with the application 
    • JP attested copies of old passport and new passport
    • JP attested copy of Marriage certificate, if required for adding spouse name.
    • Name change documents in case of change of name on new passport.
    • Copy of Police Report along with an explanatory letter in case of lost / stolen / misplaced OCI card. The police report must mention the OCI card number.
    • For removing spouse name, a supporting document should be provided, duly attested by Justice of Peace.
    • Prescribed fees of NZ $46 in case of reissue of OCI card and NZ $168 in case of loss / damage of OCI card. (The fee shall not be refunded if the application is rejected for whatever reasons.)
    • Two photographs of size 2 inches X 2 inches with light background, showing full frontal face and shoulders covering 80% of the picture. Photograph should NOT be stapled or signed.
    • Self-addressed registered courier envelope with tracking facility for returning the new OCI card once it is ready.

  3. Guidelines for uploading of photo: The image must be in JPEG or JPG format with maximum size of 200 KB. The minimum resolution of the photo must be 360 pixels (width) X 360 pixels (height) and the maximum resolution must be 900 pixels (width) X 900 pixels (height).

  4. Guidelines for uploading the signatures: The signatures must be in jpeg or jpg format with maximum size of 200 KB. The height and width of the signature photo must have aspect ratio of 3:1. The minimum resolution of the signature photo must be 360 pixels (width) X 120 pixels (height) and the maximum resolution must be 900 pixels (width) X 300 pixels (height).
    Please watch the following video for uploading photo and signatures:

III. Mode of payment of fees:  

  • At Consulate General’s Counter – Payable by Online bank transfer only. We do not accept Cash/ Credit Cards/Money Orders/Credit Card/bank cheques etc. 
  • By Courier/Post – Online Bank Transfer "Click here" (Currently we are accepting fee either in cash or through bank transfer in the bank account of Consulate General of India, Auckland. The bank account details are - A/cNo.0212730048610002/021273004861002, A/c Name – Consulate General of India, Bank – Bank of Baroda (New Zealand) Ltd, Auckland)
  • The applicant would need to attach a printed confirmation of the payment made along with the application.
  • Fees once received will not be refunded under any circumstances, even if the application is withdrawn by the applicant or services are not provided to the individual if his/her case does not qualify for that particular services.
  1. Reissue against a lost / damaged OCI card or because of lost / damaged passport carrying ‘U’ Visa sticker:
  1. Date and time of interview will be intimated by email only after receipt of hard copy of the application, if an interview is required. Please attend the interview along with required documents upon receipt of an e-mail in this regard.
  2. If applying under damaged cagtegory:  Please provide damaged OCI card.  
  3. If applying under lost category:  Please provide copy of FIR.  OCI card number (s) must be specifically mentioned in the FIR.
  1. Where to send the application:Only Category IIB above should send the physical applications, more details is at IIB only.
  2. Acknowledgement:
  • OCI applications received with complete documentation will be acknowledged by an automated email. 
  • For status enquiry please use your Registration number NZLW_ _ _ _ _ _24 & passport number at:

VII. Processing timeframe: 

  • OCI applications received with incomplete documentation will be returned for want of remaining documents.
  • OCI applications received with complete documentation will be acknowledged within 10-15 working days by an automated email.  
  • For status enquiry please use your Registration number NZLW_ _ _ _ _ _24 & passport number at: .  The status enquiry can only be checked, once the application is acknowledge.
  • After acknowledgement, the standard processing time is 45 working days (from the date of acknowledgement) which means after acknowledgement, it will take around 45 days to get your OCI card.
  • Applicants are advised to make their bookings / travel plans only after issue of OCI card.  In case, OCI card is getting delayed, for whatsoever reasons, applicant may take appropriate visa to travel.

VIII. Application status enquiry:

  1. For status enquiry please use your Registration number NZLW_ _ _ _ _ _24 & passport number at: .  The status enquiry can only be checked, once the application is acknowledge.
  2. If there are any objections / deficiencies in the application, the same will be displayed on the Online Status Enquiry. Please follow the instructions and send the requisite documents to the Consulate General of India, Auckland quoting the Acknowledgement / File number.
  1. Dispatch of OCI card: Once the OCI card is ready, the same will be dispatched to the applicant in the self-addressed registered courier bag with tracking facility provided by the applicant.  Consulate General assumes no responsibility for delay / damage / loss of OCI card in transit.
  2. In case of Renunciation of OCI Card, may apply for Misc. OCI Services

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